Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Big Mess!

So on Wednesday this week, for some strange reason (not sure why yet!), I had the urge to let Riley take a stab at feeding herself... with silverware.

Oh, and RASPBERRY yogurt.

Don't ask why.

Of all things, I gave her RASPBERRY yogurt.

I'm going to assume it was the first container of food that caught my eye... because when "little miss" is hungry... unless I already have it planned out in advance, there just isn't time to consider these kind of details... She wants to eat NOW!

I'll write this one down in my "DON'T EVER TRY THIS AGAIN" book.

I'm still recovering from the horrific scene that was left over.


Just starting out... still more in the bowl than on you... we're doing good!


Oh gosh... your face, tummy and tray are now ALL COVERED... in RASPBERRY YOGURT!

Still working to get that yogurt to your mouth with the spoon though!


All done! Just squeezin' yogurt through your fists... LOL!

If you'd ask her though, I bet she'd say, "I wanna do it again!" or, "No, I do it!"

(If she could talk, of course!)

Here's the video I took!

All in all, she did GREAT handling the spoon and bowl and persisting till the she had emptied the bowl (onto her face, stomach, and tray!)

Needless to say, I took her STRAIGHT TO THE TUB after she was done!

And I haven't given her a spoon since...

Especially with RASPBERRY yogurt.

I need recovery time between things like this.

There will be more practicing though in the future.

God, help me!

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