Here I am a year ago... with a baby bump!
It actually does seem like it was forever ago that I was preggers! And Riley was in my tummy, kicking my ribs, and making have to use the restroom ever 30 minutes! LOL!
And now...
Here is our precious Riley-bug!
Riley's Stats:
She weighs 17 lbs, 1 oz, and is 26.75 in long! She is in the 25% now for her height and weight - which concerned me at first, but the pediatrician said that it's probably because most 90% of babies are now on formula and are overfed... she controls what she gets on breastmilk, so she may have a later growth spurt. Guess we'll see! She wears mostly 9 months old clothes, though a few 6 months old outfit still fit great, and a few 12 months outfits fit as well!
Riley's 9-Month Wrap Up!
* Can smack her lips
* Loves her squeaky shoes!
* Eats yogurt, cottage cheese, apple sauce, chicken & noodles, peaches, bread, and nearly anything Mommy will feed her off her plate too!
* Eats 2 meals of breastmilk in the morning, has solids for lunch, then 2 meals of breastmilk in the afternoon, followed by 2 meals of solids, and some breastmilk to help her fall asleep and top off her tank for the night!
* Can walk up steps, with assistance, of course! But she knows to "lift her legs up and PUSH!" LOL!
* Loves playing peek-a-boo!
* Will give you a "five!"
* Sometimes waves hi and goodbye!
* Says "Ma-ma-ma" and "Da-da-da"
* Is now a "speed-crawler" and is gone in the blink of an eye.
* Loves dancing with Daddy! She will *dip* (bends her knees) when Daddy sings to her!
Yes, the *separation anxiety phase* is in full swing... unfortunately. Though I *LOVE!* the attention from her, sometime it is nice (and necessary) to let someone else enjoy her, and let me tend to other things... laundry, dishes, pumping, a nice hot shower...
Needless to say, my productivity around the house and on the blog, have gone down significantly. Hopefully this *phase* won't last too long. :-)
On to other news...
I went to pick Riley up from Tammy's on Monday to take her to her checkup, and Tammy asked me, "Did you know she had a tooth?"
"No!! Where??"
And sure enough, on the bottom in the front, you could rub your finger back-and-forth and feel the little toother!!
We had just gotten back from spending the weekend in Dallas, and though she was a little fussy on Sunday, she didn't have a fever, and I mostly attributed her fussiness to spending 5+ hours in a carseat!
She is REALLY chewing on everything now... more than before. Before she would just put stuff in her mouth to feel it out... taste it... but now it's all about the *chomp* chomp * chomp!*
Hopefully I can get a big smile from her and catch this little toother! Check back soon!
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