Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Working Girls

Riley, Ryan and I all spent last weekend at Grandma and Grandpa Skaggs' house in Lamont. It was especially good to visit since my brother-in-law, Todd and his girlfriend, Corina, came up from Texas. We hadn't seen Todd since he came to see Riley when she was born, so it was really good to get to see him!

Of course, it wasn't all play for everyone, and there was work still to be done. So, we all came out to help.... except I forgot my work clothes and cowgirl boots.

Darn it.

Besides, someone had to supervise... :-)

Riley & I, Kelton, Corina & Kinsey, Grandma Maxie

Riley Kate

Riley & I, Corina, Kinsey sitting on Daddy' farm truck

Uncle Todd

Miss Kinsey Kay Proctor

Miss Carly Light

Carly, Riley, and I

My hubby, Ryan

Ryan's ummm.... Pliers

Kinsey's Cowgirl Boots

Cowboy Kelton

Movin' cattle

Catching the cow in the chute



Worm Medicine


And... Let's just say the Bulls don't particulary like this gadget

You can imagine why...

And with that being said, I'll leave it up to your imagination... kind of makes me feel bad for the bulls, but that's life!

Kinda hungry for a hamburger right now... ha!


I know Halloween was like 2 weeks ago... but

Riley and I wanted to show everyone what we practiced on Halloween!


(AAAH! That's Scary!)

(Evil Laugh- Hahahaha!)
